Railroad Model Craftsman Magazine February 2025

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White Pass & Yukon Route in HOn3 • by MIKE MAY — Modeling an alternate history where the narrow gauge railway is still going strong in 1983.

Erie Lackawanna Bulkhead Gondola • by JAMES KINKAID — A modernized gondola design built by Pullman-Standard between 1967 and 1981.

Car Routing for Smaller Layouts • by BROOKS STOVER, MMR — Car routing for short trains on a small railroad, just like the prototype.

Scratchbuild a Modern Tie Gondola • by BILL CIALINI — This modern tie gondola is easy to build in HO scale from styrene sheet and strips.

Toy to Treasure: Kitbash an Older 4-6-0 • by KELVIN J. RETTERATH — Transforming a 1970s Tyco model into a Milwaukee Road 4-6-0 from the 1880s.

Build a Pond for Realistic Reflections • by MATT SHARPE — Create realistic reflections on your layout using EnviroTex and your camera.


Safety Valve — Letters from our readers

Receiving Yard — New product reports and industry news/compiled by Harry K. Wong

Test Track — In-depth reviews of new hobby products

Rail Books  — The Santa Fe Railway in Nebraska 1970-1996/review by George Riley

Timetable — Listings of railroad-related events contributed by our readers

Perspective  —  Preserving Your Layout in Print/Joe Green

Craftsman Workshop  — Covered Bridge Diorama/George Dutka

Company Photographer  — Planning a Photograph/Dan Lewis, MMR

Diverging Points —  — Rip Out and Redo/Jason Shron

Editor's Notebook  — Commentary from your editor/Otto M. Vondrak

Dealer Directory — Listing of our favorite recommended hobby dealers

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