Planning & Constructing Scenery
On my Denver South Park & Pacific Railroad, Part 1
by Preston Sands
Let’s Build A World
Part 2: Planning Your World and Building Your Base
by Dennis Murphy
Building A Welded Rail Train
by Dennis Murphy
The Grand Mesa
by Andrew Jones
The Short & Nn3arrow
Modelling the Pacific Coast Railway, Part 23: Shovel No. 1
by Thomas Knapp, MMR #101
On the cover: A Denver South Park & Pacific freight train approaches the coal bin and depot in the little town of Hancock, Colorado, on its way to Alpine Tunnel and the Continental Divide. Chalk Creek canyon and high mountain peaks form the background on the backdrop. Follow along in Preston Sands’ Planning & Constructing Scenery: On my Denver South Park & Pacific Railroad, Part 1, starting on page 16.