Cars for Modern N Scale Amtrak Trains from Bachmann
Now it's easy to add modern Amtrak trains to your N Scale railroad. These new Bachmann Silver Series® Amfleet® cars feature detailed plastic bodies, interior seats, tinted windows, blackened metal wheels, interior lights and standard N couplers. Each wears recent Amtrak colors and logos, so they'll look great in your most modern Amtrak consists.
Amfleet Coaches:
Amtrak Phase IV
Amtrak Phase V
Amfleet Food Service Cars:
Amtrak Phase IV
Amtrak Phase V
Now it's easy to add modern Amtrak trains to your N Scale railroad. These new Bachmann Silver Series® Amfleet® cars feature detailed plastic bodies, interior seats, tinted windows, blackened metal wheels, interior lights and standard N couplers. Each wears recent Amtrak colors and logos, so they'll look great in your most modern Amtrak consists.
Amfleet Coaches:
Amtrak Phase IV
Amtrak Phase V
Amfleet Food Service Cars:
Amtrak Phase IV
Amtrak Phase V